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MH Thread Size Conversion Chart

MH Thread Size Conversion Chart

06 September 2024

Creating perfect seams, intricate patterns, and sturdy stitches requires selecting the right sewing thread, and a conversion chart can be an invaluable tool in this process. For beginners and experienced sewists alike, understanding thread sizes can be daunting. This comprehensive guide demystifies sewing thread sizes, helping you make informed choices for your projects.

Understanding Thread Sizing System

It’s essential to understand the basics, which can often be confusing. Thread size indicates the thread thickness and thread weight. Most manufacturers use a numbering system, with lower numbers indicating thicker threads. Factors such as material composition and intended use also influence thread size.

Polyester Spun Sewing Thread Size Chart

Polyester spun sewing thread is a versatile choice for various sewing projects, including garments and home decor. Known for its durability and smooth finish, polyester spun thread is a favorite among sewists. Conversion charts can help accurately measure thread sizes and convert between different sizing systems, ensuring proper fit and functionality. 

Ne Count Tex Averange strength Elongation at break Recommended Needle Size
(S) (T) (cN) (%) (Singer) (Metric)
12s/3 150 5010 8-13 19-21 120-140
12s/4 200 7080 8-13 21-24 160-180
20s/2 60 2124 10-16 15-18 90-110
20s/3 90 3540 11-16 17-20 100-120
20s/6 180 5832 8-13 21-24 160-180
20s/9 270 9045 7-12 N/A N/A
30s/2 40 1379 10-15 11-14 75-90
30s/3 60 2245 11-16 15-18 90-110
40s/2 30 1050 10-15 10-12 70-80
40s/3 45 1642 10-15 11-14 75-90
50s/2 24 850 9-14 9-11 65-75
50s/3 36 1309 10-15 11-14 75-90
60s/2 20 666 9-14 8-10 60-70
60s/3 30 1030 10-15 11-14 75-90

Polyester High Tenacity Sewing Thread Sizes Chart

Crafted from filaments, high tenacity polyester thread is engineered for applications where superior strength and durability are paramount. The thread's weight is measured in denier, a unit that classifies threads suitable for heavy-duty use. This robust thread is perfectly suited for intensive sewing tasks and outdoor equipment.

Dtex Denier PLY T.P.M.
Single S
Final Z
Yarn Strength Tenacity  Elongation
(T) (D) --- S/Z (g/D) (G) (CV%) (%) (CV%)
110 100D 3 550/450 7±0.2 2100 4 15 5
150 135D 3 520/420 7±0.2 2835 4 15 5
167 150D 2 550/480 7±0.2 2100 4 16 5
167 150D 3 520/420 7±0.2 3150 4 16 5
235 210D 2 550/440 7±0.2 2940 4 16 5
235 210D 3 580/393 7±0.2 4410 4 17 5
278 250D 3 560/350 7±0.2 5250 4 18 5
466 420D 3 380/280 7±0.2 8820 4 18 5
699 630D 3 320/220 7±0.2 13230 4 19 5

Nylon Thread Sizes Chart

The Nylon Thread Sizes Chart is designed to help customers select the perfect thread to meet their specific needs. Our method determines whether nylon is the suitable material for the task, chooses the appropriate thickness from our range of eleven sizes, and then selects the ideal color and spool size.

Denier Tex Ticket Size Application
100D/3 35 80 Light Weight
138D/3 45 80 Light Weight
210D/3 70 60 Medium Weight
280D/3 90 60 Medium Weight
420D/3 135 40 Medium Weight
630D/3 210 30 Heavy Weight

Bonded Nylon Thread Sizes Chart

bonded nylon thread features a bonding agent that enhances its strength and reduces fraying. Grams represent the weight of a specific length of thread, with denier measuring the weight of 9,000 meters and tex measuring the weight of 1,000 meters. This thread is ideal for heavy-duty applications, including industrial sewing and leatherwork.

Tex Tickets Size Denier PLY Averages Strength Elongation Min-Max Recommended Needle Size
(T) (TKT) (D) --- (kg) (%) Singer Metric
35 80 100D 3 ≥2.1 13-22 12-14 80-90
45 60 138D 3 ≥3.0 23-32 14-16 90-100
70 40 210D 3 ≥4.5 23-32 16-18 100-110
90 30 280D 3 ≥6.0 24-33 16-20 100-120
135 20 420D 3 ≥9.0 25-34 19-23 120-160
210 13 630D 3 ≥13.5 25-34 22-24 140-180

Polyester Embroidery Thread Sizes Chart

Polyester embroidery thread is prized for its vibrant colors and resistance to fading. Understanding the weight of the thread is crucial, as it measures the mass of thread at fixed lengths using units like denier and tex. It’s suitable for both machine and hand embroidery, adding a professional touch to any project.

Items Thread Quality  and Indicators 
AA Class A Class B Class

Embroidery speed for strands (monofilament 600 RPM)

RPM (Revolutions Per Minute) ≤1200 ≤1000 ≤800
Average Breaking Strength(cN) 120D/2 ≥1180 ≥1180 ≥930
150D/2 / / ≥1180
300D/1 / / ≥1180
300D/2 / / ≥2361
600D/1 / / ≥2361

Rayon Embroidery Thread Sizes Chart

Rayon embroidery thread is a popular choice for many sewing enthusiasts due to its vibrant colors and smooth finish. Understanding thread weights, such as the Tex system, is crucial for selecting the right thread for your embroidery projects. This knowledge helps achieve the desired results and ensures compatibility with your sewing machine.

Items Thread Quality  and Indicators 
AA Class A Class B Class
Embroidery speed for strands (monofilament 600RPM ) RPM (Revolutions Per Minute) ≤1200 ≤1000 ≤800
Average Breaking Strength(cN) 120D/2 ≥490 ≥460 ≥420
150D/2 ≥610 ≥575 ≥525
300D/1 / ≥575 ≥525
300D/2 / ≥1150 ≥1050
300D/2*3 / ≥3450 ≥3150
450D/1 / ≥865 ≥785
600D/1 / ≥1150 ≥1050


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