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All About Polyester Threads

All About Polyester Threads

02 February 2024

All about polyester threads

Envision is a product of extreme versatility, found in everything from water bottles to clothes, to carpets, curtains, sheets, wall coverings, upholstery and more. Polyester fibers are versatile and strong in many applications, and elastic and durable in sewing. The same material is used in hoses, power belts, ropes, threads, tire cords, floppy disks and even as filling for pillows. That’s why polyester is the go to for many.

Spun Polyester Sewing Thread

polyester sewing thread

Spun polyester sewing thread is made by spinning 100% polyester staple fibers into yarns, then plying the yarns together to form thread. It’s often referred to as “PP” or “PP Spun”. Spun polyester thread is cheap and looks like cotton but is more elastic. It’s strong, lightweight and low lint. Spun polyester thread is an all purpose sewing thread for knit and woven fabrics on most home sewing machines, for clothing, upholstery, craft stitch etc. It’s compatible with all types of sewing needles to prevent fiber lint and seam crimping.

Spun Polyester Sewing Thread Size Chart

Ne Count Tex Averange strength Elongation at break Recommended Needle Size
(S) (T) (cN) (%) (Singer) (Metric)
12s/3 150 5010 8-13 19-21 120-140
12s/4 200 7080 8-13 21-24 160-180
20s/2 60 2124 10-16 15-18 90-110
20s/3 90 3540 11-16 17-20 100-120
20s/6 180 5832 8-13 21-24 160-180
20s/9 270 9045 7-12 N/A N/A
30s/2 40 1379 10-15 11-14 75-90
30s/3 60 2245 11-16 15-18 90-110
40s/2 30 1050 10-15 10-12 70-80
40s/3 45 1642 10-15 11-14 75-90
50s/2 24 850 9-14 9-11 65-75
50s/3 36 1309 10-15 11-14 75-90
60s/2 20 666 9-14 8-10 60-70
60s/3 30 1030 10-15 11-14 75-90

Textured Polyester Threads

textured polyester thread

Textured Polyester Threads are designed for serger and overlock machines. Polyester texture thread is 100% polyester continuous filaments, used for rolled hems and for sewing on stretchy materials, such as spandex, lycra, or swimsuit material. Textured polyester threads provide better stitch coverage compared to spun polyester or filament polyester threads, thanks to its fluffiness and ability to recover once stretched. 

Textured Polyester Thread Size Chart

Ticket Size
Average Strength
Elongation Mix-Max
150D/1 18 160 774 20-32
200D/1 21 110 934 20-32
300D/1 35 80 1410 20-32

Textured Polyester Thread Application Chart

Ticket Size
150D/1 18 160 Normal fabric overlocking
200D/1 21 110 Middle thickness fabric overlocking
300D/1 35 80 Heavy thickness fabric overlocking

Cotton Covered Polyester Threads

cotton covered polyester threads

Cotton wrapped polyester thread is a thread with a polyester filament core wrapped in a cotton covering. The polyester core gives the thread strength, flexibility and abrasion resistance, the cotton covering gives the thread heat resistance, soft feel and authentic look. Cotton wrapped polyester thread is good for sewing jeans and denim garments but can also be used for handbags, towels and home furnishings.

Poly-Poly Core Spun Sewing Thread Size Chart

Tex Tickets Size Yarn Count Averange Strength Elongation Min-Max Recommended Needle Size Shrinkage in Boiling Water
(T) (TKT) (S) (cN) (g) (%) Singer Metric (%)
18 180 69/2 780 796 17-22 9-11 65-75 <1.0
21 150 50/2 980 1000 17-22 9-11 65-75 <1.0
24 120 45/2 1190 1214 17-22 10-14 70-90 <1.0
30 100 35/2 1490 1520 17-22 11-14 75-90 <1.0
40 80 29/2 1780 1816 18-24 11-14 75-90 <1.0
40 80 45/3 1960 2000 18-24 11-14 75-90 <1.0
60 50 18/2 3040 3102 18-25 16-19 100-120 <1.0
60 50 29/3 3530 3602 18-25 16-19 100-120 <1.0
80 40 15/2 3940 4020 18-25 16-19 100-120 <1.0
105 30 12/2 4790 4888 18-25 18-21 110-130 <1.0
120 25 15/3 6080 6204 18-25 19-21 120-140 <1.0

Cotton-Poly Core Spun Sewing Thread Size Chart

Tex Yarn Count Tickets Size Average Strength Elongation Min-Max Recommended Needle Size
(T) (S) (TKT) (CN) (G) (%) Singer Metric
24 60S/2 120 1039 1059 17-23 10-14 70-90
40 28S/2 75 1862 1899 18-24 14-18 90-110
60 18S/2 50 2842 2898 17-23 16-19 100-120
60 29S/3 50 3038 3098 17-23 16-19 100-120
80 15S/2 36 3528 3598 18-24 18-21 110-130
105 12S/2 30 3724 3797 17-23 18-21 110-130

Heavy Duty Polyester Thread/High Tenacity Polyester Threads

polyester high tenacity sewing thread

Heavy duty polyester threads, also known as high tenacity polyester thread, are thick and coarse threads made of 100% polyester filaments. Heavy duty polyester threads are tear resistant, fade resistant, shrink resistant and iron resistant and can withstand high speed and high density sewing. Good for sewing heavy weight fabrics like denim, leather, canvas and upholstery materials.

Dtex Denier PLY T.P.M.
Single S
Final Z
Yarn Strength Tenacity  Elongation
(T) (D) --- S/Z (g/D) (G) (CV%) (%) (CV%)
110 100D 3 550/450 7±0.2 2100 4 15 5
150 135D 3 520/420 7±0.2 2835 4 15 5
167 150D 2 550/480 7±0.2 2100 4 16 5
167 150D 3 520/420 7±0.2 3150 4 16 5
235 210D 2 550/440 7±0.2 2940 4 16 5
235 210D 3 580/393 7±0.2 4410 4 17 5
278 250D 3 560/350 7±0.2 5250 4 18 5
466 420D 3 380/280 7±0.2 8820 4 18 5
699 630D 3 320/220 7±0.2 13230 4 19 5

Embroidery Polyester Thread

polyester embroidery threads

Polyester embroidery thread is made of polyester filament yarns which is a kind of hydrophobic fiber (moisture regain rate is 0.4% on average). So the quality is relatively stable and not affected by weather. The thread is dyed with disperse dyes at 125-135°C, giving high luster, durability and smooth running at high speed.

Items Thread Quality  and Indicators 
AA Class A Class B Class

Embroidery speed for strands (monofilament 600 RPM)

RPM (Revolutions Per Minute) ≤1200 ≤1000 ≤800
Average Breaking Strength(cN) 120D/2 ≥1180 ≥1180 ≥930
150D/2 / / ≥1180
300D/1 / / ≥1180
300D/2 / / ≥2361
600D/1 / / ≥2361

Choosing the Right Sewing Thread for Your Project

  • Consider the fabric you are working with and choose a polyester thread that matches its weight and texture.
  • Consider the type of stitching you will be doing and choose a polyester thread suitable for the technique, topstitching or embroidery.
  • For heavy duty projects like upholstery or sewing sails choose a heavier weight polyester thread for extra strength and durability.
  • For delicate projects like English paper piecing or fine fabrics choose a lighter weight polyester thread with matte finish for minimum visibility.
  • When using a sewing machine choose a polyester thread for smooth running and minimal thread breaks.
  • When using polyester threads in sewing and quilting, consider the seams as they are the stress points in a quilt. Contrary to myth, polyester thread won’t damage the fabric. Tearing is more likely to happen at the seams than where decorative stitching is applied.

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